Stress is worse than expected. Health is worse than expected.

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Stress is another emotional state of humans. It can be called a negative emotional state that not only affects the mind, but also affects the body. Causing more illnesses than we think. It can cause both general illnesses such as stomachaches and headaches, as well as chronic illnesses such as heart disease and cerebrovascular disease. This time, let’s get to know it and how to cope with stress.

Stress is

Stress: Many people may think that it is a mental issue. The dictionary says that it is a condition in which the emotions and brain are not relaxed. And are engrossed in one thing or one matter for a long period of time, leading to stress.

But if asked from a medical perspective, it would be said that it is a matter of muscle contraction, which may be one or several parts, without relaxation.

Causes of stress

The causes of stress can be divided into 2 main factors: stress caused by internal factors of our own body and stress caused by external factors that affect us and cause us to become stressed.

Stress from within the body

It is stress that comes from our own body and mind, such as having a chronic disease that affects the mind, such as depression, including various mental illnesses. In addition, it also includes having various stories that affect the mind for a long time, causing stress without ufabet realizing it.

External stress

External stress can be divided into four main issues:

  • Work may be caused by work pressure, competition, and coworkers, which may be the cause of stress.
  • Relationships All forms of relationships, whether family, love, relatives or friends, are a source of stress. And if it accumulates into a chronic problem, it can lead to a rift.
  • Health problems Chronic health problems from various diseases can cause stress, anxiety, and other health problems.
  • Life changes, sudden events that cause changes in life, if not handled well, can cause stress and anxiety. Or sometimes, the change has not happened yet, but stress precedes it, which can also cause stress.

Stress-related diseases

Every day, the body releases cortisol, a hormone that stimulates the body to feel refreshed and active every morning. This hormone decreases in the evening, which is the source of the feeling of exhaustion and the desire to rest. However, if stress occurs, the body will release more cortisol than usual.

Cortisol is known as a destructive hormone because it is a hormone that makes the heart beat faster and stimulates blood pressure to rise. If the body continuously releases cortisol, the body’s systems will not rest, which will cause various illnesses.

High blood pressure

The study found that people who have accumulated stress have a chance of developing high blood pressure twice as much as the general population. This is because the body will have high blood pressure all the time that it is under stress.

Cardiovascular disease

Stress affects the blood flowing to the heart, leading to coronary artery disease. In addition, it can cause arrhythmias, which increase the chance of heart attacks. In addition, having high blood pressure can also cause coronary artery disease.

Stress causes stomach acid reflux

Stress causes blood vessels in the digestive tract to constrict, and the body secretes more stomach juices than normal, leading to stress-induced gastritis, including bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, and acid reflux.


When stress occurs, hormones in the body change, which affects sleep, causing fatigue, irritability, and illness.


Stress causes a decrease in serotonin in the brain, causing blood vessels in the brain to swell and contract more than normal, which causes migraine pain.

Addicted to stress

But even though stress has a very negative effect on the body, the body’s complex mechanisms still have some people addicted to stress, such as those who like the challenge of competing against time, feel good about solving problems, or love excitement, like working against a deadline, and are happy when their body is stimulated by the hormone cortisol.

These symptoms, in the early stages, we will not be aware of them. But we will only know when we are sick and have a blood infection. These symptoms are called adrenal fatigue.